What is the theory of relativity ?

When we refer to the theory of relativity, we actually refer to the special theory of relativity theories and both the public and deployed the world Albert Einstein in the early twentieth century, and for non-scientists, it is difficult to understand these theories despite the radical change that has occurred emitted as a result of physics.
In an attempt to explain the theory simply stated that the man when Oancatin spend an hour doing something he loves and feels like a minute, but let him sit on a hot stove for a minute and feel like an hour
But the details of the theory, of course, is much more complicated, before the relative was believed to everyone that the time and place both fixed values and angle of vision on the ground they are already as well, but Oancatin proved mathematics that perspective the absolute things is illusion and that the time and place can be exposed both to modify and change. It is possible to place that compresses or expands and can rate the passage of time, or at least that increases as well as in the event of exposure to the strong gravitational field or move too quickly.
Examples that illustrate the relative too many you can imagine that with you an hour you by placing them in orbit around the Earth to move too quickly compared to where you are on the ground now if still you can see the time will look smaller than they were when they were in your hands you will also notice that the clockwise spin slower The reason is a phenomenon called "Stretch time - time dilation" assume relative to time and place, both of which have one thing called spacetime, which is affected only by gravity and speed Amany that if there was a body under the influence of the forces of gravity is too large or moving too quickly, the time for this body will become slower compared to the other body is not exposed to the same forces.
These may seem assumptions illogical and strange but it's actually true, as I mentioned examples that support in our lives many, for example, the Global Positioning System GPS depends on the specific measurements of time positioning on the earth revolves satellites of this system on the ground quickly 14 thousand kilometers at a great speed compared Bsratna on the ground and thus in the case has not set the hours of system engineers on the ground to compensate for the time difference caused by the speed of those sites will see us on the map, just 10 kilometers from the real site.
Can you think of some examples that support relative of the reality of life?
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